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Index | ESG & Sustainability
Eco Money: Outlook for upcoming launches around ESG, SDI, and SDG-driven indices in Asia
Prime Time’s Rachel Kelly speaks to Rick Chau, Head of Asia Pacific for Index and Analytics at Qontigo, an index, financial intelligence and risk analytics firm, about his firm’s role in the recently launched Sustainable Development Investments Asset Owner Platform.

As investor interest in sustainable assets continues to rise, a big challenge is how to ensure fund managers live up to their ESG claims.

Qontigo’s CEO Sebastian Ceria speaks about entrepreneurship, technology and sustainability on the Wharton FinTech podcast, interviewed by Miguel Armaza.

German exchange group said Thursday it has cut deals with two index providers to launch more ESG futures.

UBS Asset Management has teamed-up with index provider STOXX and Sustainalytics to launch the world’s first environmental, social and governance (ESG) Euro Stoxx 50 ETF.

UniCredit has unveiled a pair of Eurozone equity ETFs that deliver a factor-based strategy while incorporating environmental, social and governance (ESG) screening.

Willem Keogh, Head of ESG, Thematic and Factor Solutions at STOXX Ltd., discusses the future of index-based ESG strategies.

DB1’s index arm STOXX sees an opportunity to drive and harness Chinese interest in its thematic and ESG index products.

Stoxx Ltd, a subsidiary of Deutsche Boerse, has licensed three of its European indexes with an environmental, social and governance (ESG) focus to Goldman Sachs, which will use them to create a series of leveraged financial products.

Deutsche Boerse subsidiary STOXX has committed to adopting a standardised approach to ESG indices.

STOXX Ltd., der Betreiber des Indexgeschäfts der Gruppe Deutsche Börse und globaler Anbieter innovativer handelbarer Indexkonzepte, hat den STOXX Europe 600 ESG-X Index lanciert. Der Index wurde basierend auf Gesprächen mit einer Reihe von Asset Managern entwickelt.

Stoxx has licensed the Euro iStoxx 50 ESG Focus and the Euro iStoxx 50 ESG Focus GR Decrement 5% indices to Barclays as underlyings for a range of structured products.