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Corporate | Index | Listed Derivatives
25 years forging better markets: Eurex and STOXX celebrate unique partnership in index derivatives
The derivatives exchange with the broadest index offering globally and the leading European index provider have produced some of the most popular and creative index futures and options since both started operations 25 years ago. We catch up with Eurex’s CEO and STOXX’s General Manager to find out what’s next for this successful partnership.

Corporate | Index | ESG & Sustainability
Qontigo Summit Addresses Ascent of Sustainability in Investments, Need to Optimize Impact
Sustainability has moved from a tangential consideration to a crucial criterion in portfolio construction. A line-up of experts told this year’s Qontigo Investment Intelligence Summit how this evolution is re-shaping the entire investment landscape.

In “An Aussie sense of style”, Axioma’s latest paper on smart beta products, we take a look at the inherent compromise between delivering target factor purity versus maximizing factor exposure.