The STOXX Willis Towers Watson Climate Transition Indices (CTI), developed in partnership with WTW, offer a sophisticated and transparent way of managing climate transition risk. The indices leverage WTW’s proprietary Climate Transition Value at Risk (CTVaR) data, which assesses the anticipated impact of a climate transition on company valuations through forward-looking, bottom-up analysis of individual companies.
Index family
The index family comprises the following indices:
Index methodology
Starting from broad market universes (iSTOXX World A, STOXX Europe 600, STOXX USA 500), securities are evaluated in terms of predefined sustainability characteristics. Companies identified as non-compliant based on Sustainalytics’ Global Standard Screening (GSS) assessment or companies that are involved in controversial weapons, thermal coal and oil sands are removed from the universe.
The remaining eligible companies are weighted according to their free-float market capitalization adjusted by the Climate Transition Value at Risk (CTVaR) metric calculated by WTW. CTVaR is a proprietary measure that analyzes the impact on projected company cashflows when moving from a ‘business as usual’ scenario – reflecting current policies – to a world where emissions pathways are consistent with the goals of the Paris agreement. In general, the indices tilt away from companies with high exposure to climate transition risk.
The maximum weighting of any stock is limited to 5%, the maximum industry overweight is limited to 5%, the maximum country over- and underweights are restricted to 15%.