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DAX’s two-year methodology overhaul cements German benchmark’s standing with investors, issuers
The last two years have been among the most eventful in the blue-chip DAX® index’s three-decade life. Qontigo, which manages the German benchmark and its entire family of indices, has since 2020 pursued DAX’s biggest overhaul since its inception. The aim has been to bolster the quality of constituent companies, bring selection criteria in line with international standards and improve representativeness.

Er ist groß und enthält erfolgreiche Unternehmen aus Europa: Gerade für Einsteiger ist der Index eine gute Basis. Doch es gibt auch Risiken.

Index | Benchmarks
Citi Exclusively Distributes Innovative Adjusted Returns Indices on Single Stocks
Citi has partnered with STOXX Qontigo to develop a series of single stock linked indices in an effort to generate a more efficient structured product universe for financial intermediaries and end investors.

Qontigo is a financial intelligence innovator and a leader in the modernization of investment management, from risk to return.

UBS Asset Management has teamed-up with index provider STOXX and Sustainalytics to launch the world’s first environmental, social and governance (ESG) Euro Stoxx 50 ETF.

Multi-Faktor Konstruktionen liegen im Trend. Sie sollen in allen Marktphasen kontinuierliche Überrenditen erzielen. Im Rahmen eines Roundtable-Gesprächs diskutieren die Protagonisten des EURO STOXX Multi Premia über verschiedene Aspekte der Innovation.

The Stoxx Europe 600 index tracks 600 of the most liquid, large-, mid- and small-cap companies across 17 generally developed market countries. (The Czech Republic, which some investors treat as an emerging market, is included.)

Credit Suisse Asset Management (CSAM), ein globaler Vorreiter im Bereich der Indexreplikation, hat mit dem CSIF (Lux) Equity EURO STOXX Multi Premia einen UCITS-konformen Indexfonds im Multi-Faktor-Segment lanciert.

Zurich-based index provider STOXX has celebrated the twentieth anniversary of the launch of the bellwether EURO STOXX 50 Index.